
Minuti Coffee Stores are your neighborhood’s favorite meeting place. The place that makes your coffee in the morning, that makes your favorite pasta for lunch and dinner. The place you feel at home. The place that makes living local, easy.


About Minuti

The Minuti Experience

Minuti Coffee Stores are your neighborhood’s favorite meeting place. The place that makes your coffee in the morning, that makes your favorite pasta for lunch and dinner. The place you feel at home. The place that makes living local, easy.

It’s gotta be Minuti

Environment: We’re constantly striving to reduce our impact on the environment. Wherever we can we recycle, use sustainable materials, technologically smart machinery and renewable energy we do, and our paper cups are some of the most eco-friendly in the world.

Stores: We know enough to know coffee and it’s culture is not all about the brew. It’s subtle blend of individual elements that makes the experience perfect. The physical presence and unique style of a store is a major factor, creating the mood, the stage set for it’s crew, the comfort and the style for the customer. Minuti’s style is an electric mix of traditional materials and details mixed with modern, slick finishes. Wooden floors and crystalline chandeliers, comfy leather booths and cool Italian designer furniture.


Well this is it, the very reason we got involved in the first place. Love of the black stuff and the society that surrounds it. We take our coffee very seriously and all of our blends are unique to us, each created by our roastmaster in Italy, sealed for freshness and flown into our depots here in the US. It is a slick operation but has to be, it is what we do better than anybody else!


Can you imagine, a coffee store with Italian roots, one that wears the Italian flag so proudly, being anything other than a hotbed of young, hip and passionate people? You get everything you would expect from Minuti’s crew. A vibrant team that’s love for coffee is genetic and matched only by it’s love of life. Well trained, well drilled and very well dressed.

That flirty chat with the stranger. Your jazzy Friday night and your lazy Saturday morning. Catching up with a friend, catching up with yourself.


There’s no Italian, like an American Italian!
America and Italy are linked in legend forever. Italian’s have always prospered in America and Minuti is no different. Minuti is a 100% American company, selling 100% Italian coffee. Our sister company is Molinari Caffee meaning we are the only place in the whole of the US of A that you can enjoy the Molinari brand.
Minuti is a welcome addition to any street in any neighborhood. We actively work at creating communities and conversation. We undrestand we have a responsibility to perform for each and every customer, to serve them, literally.

Minuti Choices

There are now more ways than ever to enjoy your favorite coffee.

So whether you’re on the go, or simply on your lunch break you’ll find just what you need…

Is it the chaotically ordered collection of Italian photographs on the walls? Or the giant renaissance mirror behind the counter? Perhaps it’s the cool simplicity of the furniture or maybe the upbeat Ennio Morricone soundtrack in the background? The fat and comfy leather sofas or the pile of magazines you’ve never heard of that have been read by a thousand eyes?

It’s none of these in particular, but all of these, together that make it Minuti.

Our Stores

It would be a strange coffee store that didn’t sell great coffee in great quantities, but equally it would now be really quite odd to see a coffee store just selling coffee.

The greatest coffee stores are now social lounges. Places where we go to hang-out, to work, to chill or to pass-thru when we need to grab a brew… or a cold beer or a glass of wine.

Likewise, all our products are available to enjoy in store or bagged and ready to go with you. Sandwiches, cakes, soups, pastries are all on the menu along with fruit smoothies, constantly changing cold coffee drinks and other cold sodas.

All the ingredients you need to enjoy our special product, the Minuti moment.

Our Food

Delicious, convenient sandwiches, perfectly warmed, plus your favorite beverage. Enjoy.

Soups, Sandwiches, Salads, Paninis, Pasta Pots, Pastries, Cakes, Sodas/Waters, Smoothies, Coffee, Tea, Milk, Blended Ice Drinks, Confectioneries, Fruit, Beers, Wine.

Responsible Coffee

Organic & Fair Trade Coffee

Ethic and Tasty
A complete range of ORGANIC, FAIR TRADED as well as ETHIC and TASTY COFFEE.

A good quality mixture of organically cultivated and fair traded 100% Arabica coffees, for a delicate and exquisite taste.

Roasting and Packaging

The roasting, packaging and marketing of coffee began in the historic centre of town in Via Rismondo 38 in the 1944 by the founder, Giuseppe and his sons, Alberto and Emilio, who transferred the company to Via Modonella in 1955 with the production increase. The company grew and transferred to the offices in Via Fanti 206, where the company changed its structure with the name “Caffè Molinari SpA” and the far-seeing project of investing in research and new technology of packaging was initiated, looking for excellence in quality that allows at the Caffè Molinari to be appreciated in Italy and abroad, in all the continents of the world.


Today Caffè Molinari is operating in the new head-quarter in Via Francia 20. This constant attention to product quality has enabled the company to obtain four internationally – recognised quality certificates.
In 1999 the company gained the standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certificate and recently it has obtained the following certificates:

  • BRC (Britsh Retail Consortium Global Standard Food)
  • IFS (International Food Standard)
  • PCT (Russia Food Standard)

Made in Modena, Italy

The firm of “Giuseppe Molinari” born in 1804 in Modena, active in the food sector, developed successfully and changed its name to “Ditta Fratelli Molinari” becoming suppliers to the House of Savoy in 1880. Molinari balsamic vinegar acquired prestige by winning numerous international prizes.

About Molinari

Just as the old coffee houses, set up in Italy during the 19th century, such as the “Pedrocchi of Padua, the “Florian” of Venice and the “Caffè Greco” in Rome, became famous as meeting places for intellectuals and artists of the era as well as for political and patriotic ferment, also in Modena, a lively city in the Po Valley, the family set up the Bar Molinari in the Via Emilia in the heart of the city in 1911. It is interesting to note that Bar Molinari became known and passed into history with the more modern title of “bar”, abandoning the old 18th century title of “Cafè”.